Around 80% of marine litter actually originates on land, swept in from the coastline or carried to rivers from the streets during heavy rain via storm water drains and sewer overflows, to quote The Natural Resources Defense Council with headquarters in New York.
So the best thing we can do to protect our waterways is try to keep as much plastic as possible out of the waste stream in the first place.

The SCORE project works on the principal of “Swopping” recyclable items such as plastic, glass and tins collected by the youth and adults of Stanford for items which would otherwise be unaffordable.
The project serves two purposes:
- to clean up the local settlements, thereby improving the health of a very poor community; and
- to instill a culture which recognises that through their own efforts, they can exchange a waste item for school supplies, toys, books, household goods and clothing, thereby learning to work for what they need and to acknowledge you do not get things for ‘free’.
Small ways for you to make a big impact:
Wean yourself off disposable plastics – grocery bags, plastic wrap, disposable cutlery, straws, coffee-cup lids. Find alternatives!
- Cook more. Making your own meals doesn’t involve take-away containers.
- Purchase items second-hand. New items come with all kinds of plastic packaging. Buy items which are just as good when previously owned.
- Support a plastic bag tax.
- Buy in bulk. Single serving containers product-to-packaging ratio is greater than buying the bigger container in the first place.
- RECYCLE Less than 14% of plastic packaging is recycled – we can try harder.
- Support local farmers and producers – take your own basket or container where possible and return glass bottles which can be re-used.
- Recycle your clothing and household goods via our Swop Shop!
All donations are appreciated.

Project of Stanford Conservation Supported by Stanford Residents & Rotary