This is a lovely stroll next to the river (slippery when very wet!). For many years the river view was obscured by the landward encroachment of the invasive Phragmites Australis. In 2024, after the devastating September 2023 flood, Stanford Conservation cut down all the reeds on the Stanford riparian bank. The reed growth on the opposite side is controlled by grazing cattle.

Look out for the many bird species – and canoeists, fly/bass-fishing enthusiasts and swimmers enjoying this quiet section of the river.
You will encounter a few small bridges along the way… the ‘streams’ they cross are actually part of the “leiwater” furrows running through the village, discharging the un-used water from the village’s spring (the ‘Eye) into the river. They also act as stormwater drains.
The large open grassed space between King and Quick Streets is a popular recreational area.

On the opposite bank amongst the reeds in the summertime, you can hear the chattering of Red Bishops, Cape, and Masked Weavers jostling for the best place to build a nest. Or you may be lucky enough to see a Kingfisher diving into the water hunting for a fish, the Cormorants sunning in the trees, and numerous duck species swimming to and fro.